What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.87



MAY 1st – JULY 5th



for the 2017 POUR ONE FORWARD campaign

to help our


discover new careers or start a business.

**How to Participate in POUR ONE FORWARD***


Not like you needed a reason to have a nice cold one, but now it’s for a good cause!


Buy a Boston Lager for our Military Heroes.

A patron buys 2 Boston Lagers at a participating* restaurant or bar – one for themselves, and one for a veteran or active military personnel. The second beer comes in the form of a voucher, which the patron places on a designated wall in the bar or restaurant. When active-duty or veteran personnel enter that bar or restaurant, they can take any available vouchers off the wall for a free beer. Take advantage of the free beer at bars and restaurants close to you! *List of participating bars and restaurants coming soon


Purchase a 12 pack of Samuel Adams Boston Lager.

At participating* stores, buy a 12 pack of Samuel Adams Boston Lager. The Boston Beer Company will donate $0.50 to American Dream U for every 12 pack purchased. *List of participating stores coming soon

POF2017_Instagram_Header (1)

Share Your Pour One Forward Spirit on Social Media

Download one or all of the images below to share on Social Media to help us raise awareness of the POUR ONE FORWARD campaign. Or, share your own photos and experiences with POUR ONE FORWARD with #PourOneForward. We love to see your posts!  http://americandreamu.org/samadams/

Text POURONE to 24587 to Donate.

You can donate directly to American Dream U from your phone by texting POURONE to 24587. The Boston Beer Company will match all donations and collect an optional message from the donors to the veterans and active military personnel.


A message from the Founder of Samuel Adams® Press Play Below

At Sam Adams, it’s OK to tell your boss ‘f— you’

SA Fuck Off

*Donations are from the Boston Beer Company to American Dream U. Valid only at participating locations displaying this offer.

©2015 THE BOSTON BEER COMPANY, BOSTON, MA. Savor the Flavor Responsibly®



What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.86


The Wait is Over….. Grain Belt BLU has arrived to our market!!! We’ve had people asking when this beer would be back since the day we sold out last year. It was a huge hit last year and we expect the same results this year. This is a draught ONLY product and very limited.


Grain Belt BLU, a summery spin on the iconic “Friendly Beer,” combines Grain Belt Premium with a generous load of real blueberries. It would be a mistake, however, to associate the beer with a sweet, syrupy blueberry pie dessert. On the contrary, Grain Belt Blu is light, balanced, and refreshing—a delightfully subtle twist on the classic American lager.


About Grain Belt

Grain Belt, considered “The Friendly Beer,” has a history that traces a long line of private and public ownership for more than 120 years. Today, Grain Belt is owned by August Schell Brewing Company, and produces Four American Lagers: Premium, Premium Light, Nordeast and Lock & Dam. Grain Belt’s longevity, dedication to quality, and approachable nature are what make its Minnesota brews iconic. For more information, visit www.grainbelt.com.

GBBlu_GlassSign (1)

What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.85


We thank each and every one of you for supporting our brands not only this week but, year-round. Let’s take this week and celebrate the current state and bright future of craft beer by raising a pint!

What is American Craft Beer Week?

For the 12th year in a row, the Brewers Association invites you to celebrate American Craft Beer Week®, the nationwide celebration of U.S. small and independent craft brewers. The week long tribute provides an opportunity for craft brewers to share their diversity, creativity and passion for the beverage they love.


Quick Hits on the current state American Craft Beer from CraftBeer.com


Brewery Count: As of November 30, 2016 there were 5,005 breweries in the U.S. Almost all (99%) are small and independent craft brewers.

Continued Growth for the Segment: By mid-2016, small and independent breweries grew by eight percent, reflecting dynamism and a bright spot for the domestic beer market.

Never Go Out of Styles: IPAs continue to hop up, now accounting for roughly one-quarter of craft volume. More sessionable styles, including golden ales, pilseners and pale lagers, are up 33 percent, totaling nearly five percent of craft.



Beercation Destinations: Learn about some of America’s most beery destinations in the #beertravel section of CraftBeer.com. Travelocity also enlisted their help in 2016 to create the very first Beer Tourism Index.

Perfect Pair: 73% of craft beer purchasers gave “complements my meal” as a very or somewhat important selection criteria in their beer choice when dining out. Check out the CraftBeer.com Beer & Food Course (there’s a professional chef and enthusiast version) to learn more about the power of beer and food.



What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.84


What a beautiful weekend for getting the outside spring chores done. Hopefully, you got to enjoy the weather with a beer in your hand and it was not all chores, like I spent my weekend. Between pulling the weeds and planting new grass seed I did enjoy a few beers from the various Samuel Adams Summer Variety Packs. The new packaging design of the sampler packs are bright and colorful making it hard to miss on the shelf. The beers themselves are just as bold and bright as the new packaging – making them perfect for the long summer ahead.


Press the below button Below to Watch: Samuel Adams Summer Ale-The Colors of Summer

Summer Ale Video

Samuel Adams


Same delicious beer, brand new look. Summer Ale returns for its 21st year with limited edition packaging that’s as exciting as a summertime adventure. From the blazing yellow of the afternoon sun to the fiery orange of an evening sunset to the electric blue tint of a summer night, the colors of Summer Ale and its crisp, citrusy flavor, are your perfect companion anywhere, anytime.





American Summer Variety Pack

The American Summer Variety Pack has the perfect beer for any summer occasion, whether you’re relaxing by the pool, grilling in your backyard, or at a bonfire with friends, there’s a beer for everyone. Including classic favorites Boston Lager and Summer Ale, and new styles exclusive to the American Summer Variety Pack: Hefeweizen, Berliner Weisse, Tropic of Yuzu, and Golden Hour.




Samuel Adams


Hazy golden and filled with smooth wheat character, our Hefeweizen is our take on the classic German beer. Notes of clove and banana, signatures of this traditional style, accent the aroma and flavor, and are complemented by a subtle bready malt character. Clean and crisp, this beer pairs best with a sunny summer day.


Samuel Adams


Light golden and highly effervescent, this beer’s bright flavor and light, bubbly body are the definition of summer refreshment. Its fresh lemon citrus note is complemented by a subtle malt character, and the combination of White Wheat and acidulated malt add a crisp, tart flavor. Delicious as it is traditional, this beer will have you craving another sip.


Samuel Adams


This distinctive beer gets a citrusy punch from yuzu, a Japanese fruit with juicy hints of Mandarin orange and grapefruit. The beer’s slightly tart character is balanced by the kick of Grains of Paradise, which add a peppery note the wheat and citrus for a subtle, spicy finish.


Samuel Adams


‘Helles’ is the German word for bright, and it’s the perfect way to describe this light, golden, and refreshing beer. German Noble hops create a distinct spicy, fresh hop character, and are complemented by a touch of malt sweetness for a drinkable yet flavorful brew. Capture it before the season slips away like the golden hour of a summer evening.


Samuel Adams

Beers of Summer Variety Pack

The Beers of Summer Variety Pack is the go-to pack for all of your summer adventures on the beach, the golf course, or wherever your summer takes you. Including summer favorites Summer Ale and Porch Rocker, and featuring a new style exclusive to the Beers of Summer Variety Pack: Session IPA.


Samuel Adams


This beer’s bright citrus hop aroma gives way to flavorful notes of grapefruit and pine, with slight herbal and lemon notes. A subtle malt sweetness balances the hops for a clean, crisp, and easy-drinking IPA.


Samuel Adams


This tart, refreshing brew is our take on the Bavarian Radler, named for cyclists who inspired it. Traditionally a mixture of beer and lemonade, our version combines a crisp golden Helles with a blend of real lemons to create a fresh-squeezed flavor, perfect for the long yet fleeting days of summer.



What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Online Weekly Newsletter Vol.83


After nearly missing one of the final pushes for snow today.  I found it fitting to talk about a brand new summer variety pack by Summit Brewing Company; Boundary Waters Box. Hopefully, this keeps our spirits up and gets us ready for the summer weather that’s just ahead of us!


The box is stocked with refreshing flavors ready for a classic Minnesota summer on the beach or in the boathouse. In the pack you will find familiar Summit classics such as the Summer Ale and the Keller Pils, as well as two new faces: the Hefeweizen and Wit Bier.


The Summit Hefeweizen is an old friend to the Midwest, first being introduced in 2002. Leaving the brewery in 2011, the beer is now back with a new look. The branding of this summer-fresh ale is reminiscent of that quintessential summer moment of throwing a line off a boat. Colors of the can mirror those of a Minnesota day reflecting on the lake.


Off the lake onto the farm, the Summit Wit Bier connects puffy white clouds to its traditional white ale. Bright tones of yellow and blue create the warmth of a summery Minnesotan day on the farm, although the beer can be enjoyed anywhere.


Summit Wit Bier, a delightful new Belgian-style White Ale featuring refreshing aromas of spice, citrus and flowers.

Over 400 years ago, brewers in Belgium’s Louvain Valley, just east of Brussels, began using herbs and spices like orange peel and coriander to spruce up more traditional Bavarian wheat beers. Adventurous fellows, they were. Customarily called Biere Blanche by the French or simply Wit Bier by the Flemish, Summit’s Head Brewer Damian McConn says these summertime thirst-quenchers are almost opaque or white in appearance.



“Wit Biers contain significant amounts of protein and yeast in suspension,” says Damo. “They’re typically lightly hopped and lower in alcohol, containing pale malt, malted and unmalted wheat, and a touch of oats for mouthfeel and body. Our Summit Wit Bier follows this traditional profile, with small amounts of orange peel, grains of paradise, and fresh-ground coriander enhancing the final beer’s citrus and herbal qualities.”


“For a unique spin on this world classic,” Damo adds, “we’ve used 100 percent Mandarina Bavaria hops and an obscure Belgian white yeast strain for aromas of peach, apricot, and additional citrus refreshment.” All that adds up to a light body and a slightly dry, tart finish for Summit Wit Bier


Welcoming home our old friend Summit Hefeweizen. First introduced in 2002, the classic German wheat beer left our St. Paul brewery in 2011 to visit friends and family in the old country. Worry not, however — since departing the Summit portfolio, this beer has remained the same sessionable and highly carbonated beverage you once knew and loved.

While away, the one-time summer seasonal sunned for a spell on Germany’s Lake Constance with a gang of traditional yet spicy Tettnang hops. It also traveled the countryside with German Pils and Carawheat, a couple of the malts responsible for Hefe’s lightly toasted and breadcrumb background. Summit Hefeweizen even had a little quality time one-on-one with a tremendous German yeast strain; we hear the results were just magical, producing familiar aromas of banana and clove.


But six years is a long time to be away, and it turns out folks back here in the states missed our Hefe — especially during those summer nights at the lake, at the ballpark, and at home by the grill.

“This classical style was first developed by the brewers of Bavaria, Germany, to refresh thirsty beer lovers during hot continental European summers,” says Head Brewer Damian McConn. “It was one of our very first seasonal beers, and with its effervescent, slightly dry finish, beautiful golden haze, and billowing head of foam atop the glass, this is truly one of the most refreshing beer styles available.”

Summit Boundary Water Pack


summer1Summer 2

Summit Summer Ale


What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol. 82

American Craft Beer Week 2017 - Bergseth Bros.

Bergseth Bros. is proud of our Craft Beer Brands – so let’s celebrate American Craft Beer Week together with some promotions, tastings, tap invasions, etc.

Below is several ideas for American Craft Beer Week May 15-21, 2017 from our partners at the Brewers Association. If you need any help coordinating events, setting up events or additional event ideas do not hesitate to contact your Bergesth Bros. Sales Representative. You can also contact me directly via this email.


What is American Craft Beer Week?

For the 12th year in a row, the Brewers Association invites you to celebrate American Craft Beer Week®, the nationwide celebration of U.S. small and independent craft brewers. The weeklong tribute provides an opportunity for craft brewers to share their diversity, creativity and passion for the beverage they love.

From May 15 – 21, 2017 all 50 states will be holding events including exclusive brewery tours, special beer releases, beer and food pairings, tap takeovers and more to celebrate America’s ever-advancing beer culture.


Check out “CraftBeer.com’s American Craft Beer Week” by Brewers Association on Vimeo. video 2017 acbw

Resources & Ideas


Ideas for Retailers

  • Organize a craft beer pairing dinner.
  • Craft beer pairing using 2017 ACBW materials.
  • Celebrate with a craft beer tap takeover night.
  • Brewers Night – invite the local brewery to host a tasting!
  • Week-long beer bingo – encourage patrons to try everything on tap or in bottles for prizes.
  • Brew master Dinner
  • Beer history dinner – tell the story of American craft beer.


Off-Premise Recommendations

  • Advertise and promote craft beers that week
  • Display more craft beer that week
  • Set up a distinctive Craft Beer display area for the week – put it in an early – high traffic location
  • Put up shelf POS to highlighting Craft Beer Week
  • Use a Craft Beer Week border in your ad to highlight the week
  • Have a staff person or brewery personnel work with customers – Thursday pm, Friday pm and Saturday afternoon
  • Put up beer style, ingredients and brewing POS during the week to encourage consumer awareness and trial



  • Craft beer tap takeover/tap invasion
  • Craft beer specials for the week
  • Flights special of different craft beers
  • Vertical style tastings – all lagers, all IPA, etc. during the week
  • Wait-staff programs – incentives, education, etc
  • Large poster announcing the week and table tents
  • Food and craft beer specials all week
  • Promotions with brewers or brewery reps
  • Promotions about beer, brewing, ingredients and tasting
  • Around the country card – try all featured craft beers and get a prize, certificate, t-shirts


Promote Your Event on CraftBeer.com

  • Enter your event into the ‘official’ American Craft Beer Week database to stand up and have your celebration included with hundreds of others!
  • Be sure to choose the Event Type: American Craft Beer Week.
  • Include all the details you can about how , when and where craft beer enthusiasts can participate.
  • Photos are welcome or at least upload your business logo with your post.

American Craft Beer Week 2017 - Bergseth Brands

Special Thanks to CraftBeer.com and the Brewers Association!

 Please check with your Bergseth Bros. Representative on Availability and Pricing (Some products not available in certain markets)


What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.81

Schell FRH

It has been a long, long time since the fields of Southern Minnesota were filled with amber waves of barley. We’re working to change that.


In a unique partnership with the Gieseke family and other local farmers, we made this beer with malting barley grown just a stone’s throw away from our brewery. Right down Fort Road, to be exact.


Brewed to allow the bready character of the malt to shine through, Fort Road Helles is a full-flavored, easy-drinking classic.


Schell FRH Back

The Journal, April 5, 2017 [Excerpt]

By Clay Schuldt


NEW ULM — Schell’s celebrates the release of Fort Road Helles, the latest in the company’s line of beers, Tuesday night in the brewery tap room.


Fort Road Helles is different from most American beers. Not only is the malt used to create the beer made from barley but the barley is produced locally in a farm 15 miles outside of New Ulm near the historic Fort Road.


The word “Helles” describes a traditional German pale lager beer, produced in southern Germany near Munich. The word can be translated as “bright,” “light” or “pale.”


Schell’s Brewmaster Jace Marti first developed the idea for Fort Road Helles after speaking with a University of Minnesota small grain specialist about the flavor of European barley.


“Minnesota used to be the biggest barley producer in the country,” Marti said. “That’s how Grain Belt got its name.”


To find a unique flavor of malt, Marti decided to search out barley growers. After many conversations and research, a partnership sprouted between local farmers Nate Gieseke and Tim and Lori Kohn.


By coincidence the release of Fort Road Helles lines ups with Schell’s win in the Star Tribunes March Malt-ness Beer Bracket. Over 57,000 people voted in the head-to-head tournament of Minnesota beers, and Schell’s was voted the top brewery by a wide margin.


August Schell’s Brewing Company specializes in quality-crafted beer and boasts a proud heritage of 157 years of continuous family ownership


*NOW AVAILABLE On Draught & 4/6/12oz Cans


Please check with your sales person on availability and pricing (please note some products are not available in certain markets)





What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Online Weekly Newsletter Vol.80


As the weather starts getting warmer outside our palates change with the season too. Instead of desiring the hearty, robust stouts and porters by the fireplace in the dead of winter. We reach for something more refreshing and sessionable. Typically, the summertime beers are wheat based beers with citrusy overtones or crisp, clean easy drinking lagers.

fbc tap handles

Fargo Brewing Company has a few beers that fit these exact flavor profiles.

Anyone of these beers, would make a great addition to your tap line-up.

IMG_9479Kenny's Lemonade

Kenny’s Lemonade Radler – We took Fargo Original, our award winning Helles Lager, and infused it with our homemade lemon soda to create this delightfully refreshing summertime beer. Only Available in Draught.


Wind Swept Belgian-Style Witbier – This spiced ale is our take on a Belgian style wheat beer that remains crisp while pouring a cloudy straw color with thick, creamy head. The aroma and flavor remain subtle with sweet orange, coriander, and spicy yeast character, pairing perfectly with wheat malt, while an effervescent body keeps the wit delightfully refreshing for any season! Available in 4/6/12oz Cans.

20160122_Fargo Original Lager_0030

Original Lager – This traditional un-filtered German style helles lager pours a brilliantly clear light gold color and is capped with a head of white foam. The aroma is lead by clean pilsner malt paired with subtle spicy hop notes and a clean lager yeast character. The flavor is well balanced between the pils malt sweetness, the restrained bittering, and the crisp finish from the extended lagering. This is the perfect beer for when you want something light, crisp, and uncomplicated. Prost! Available in 4/6/12oz can & Draught.


What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.79


It’s that time of year – The NCAA basketball tournament is wrapping up, the Master’s Golf Tournament is this week and more importantly warmer weather is here.  With the warmer weather comes the opening of golf courses and patios for the summer season.

This week I wanted to highlight our brands that have can, aluminum bottles and plastic bottle packages. All of these packages are great options for the golf courses, patios, beaches, camping and fishing.

We won’t get into the great debate over cans vs. bottles; what’s a better package for beer? (maybe that’s a future newsletter) Today we thank, the aluminum and plastic packages because of them we can enjoy the greatest beverage on Earth almost anywhere we travel.

Josh L


The lists below contain general information regarding many of the brands that we carry at Bergseth Bros. We have more brands that are not on the lists below, so make sure to check with your Bergseth Bros. sales rep for a complete listing of brands.






What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.78

Not you mom logo

The makers of the top-selling, highly awarded Not Your Father’s Root Beer introduced a new collection of artisanal brews that put a fresh spin on three classic American flavors.

The brand new lineup includes Not Your Mom’s Apple Pie, Not Your Mom’s Strawberry Rhubarb and Not Your Mom’s Iced Tea.

The idea for Not Your Mom’s was driven by consumer demand for fruit and tea flavors, which currently place within the top three most popular flavors across the beverage industry, two of which are crafted in an on-trend dessert style.

Not Your Mom’s Apple Pie boasts crisp apple and light cinnamon; Strawberry Rhubarb is the perfect balance of sweet and tart; and Not Your Mom’s Iced Tea, made with real brewed tea, serves up the comfort of home with a delicious twist.

NYM line up

“As the category leader, we are always looking to innovate to meet our consumers’ evolving needs,” said Gleb Lifshits, CEO, Small Town Brewery. “With their immersive flavors and homemade appeal, Not Your Mom’s fruit- and dessert-inspired brews represent the next generation in flavored craft,” he added. “We look forward to consumer response on this unique brand extension; the pre-launch excitement on our social channels has been phenomenal.”


Not Your Mom’s Apple Pie (5.9% ABV), Strawberry Rhubarb (5.5% ABV) and Iced Tea (5.2% ABV) are perfect straight from the chilled bottle, or serve Not Your Mom’s Apple Pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a decadent twist on Apple Pie a la Mode. The possibilities are limited only by one’s imagination.

**Click on the Play Button Below to Watch the Video**

NYM Video