What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol. 37

American Craft Beer Week is upon us!


We would like to personally thank all of the retailers and breweries that came together planning events for this week. Please, make sure to mention Bergseth Bros. in all of your posts along with #ACBW2016 and/or #MakeSmallBeerBig . Let’s Celebrate by raising a pint of your favorite Craft Beer!


American Craft Beer Week 2016 BBCO Brands



What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.  36


The time is now to celebrate 10,000 Minutes of Minnesota Craft Beer  – May 9-10th  – Please contact your Bergseth Bros. Representative in regards to our Minnesota Craft Beers!

Minnesota Craft Beer Week

10,000 Minutes of Minnesota Craft

From: http://www.mncraftbrew.org/10000minutes

The Minnesota Craft Brewers Guild is proud to present 10,000 Minutes of Minnesota Craft Beer from May 9 – May 15, 2016.

Did you know there are about 10,000 minutes in a week? Across the Land of 10,000 Beers, we’re trying to savor every one of them, with a locally produced craft beer in hand.

10,000 Minutes of Minnesota Craft Beer is a week full of Minnesota Craft Beer events across the state, from tap takeovers on the North Shore to beer tours of the Twin Cities to special firkin tappings in Southern Minnesota. So start your timers and plot your calendars to make the most of your 10,000 Minutes!

Share your 10,000 Minutes of Minnesota Craft Beer photos on Instagram!
#10000Minutes, #MNCraftBeer, #MNBeerWeek

Follow the Guild!
Facebook Facebook.com/MinnesotaCraftBrewersGuild 
Twitter @MNcraftbrew





What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol. 35


I wanted to touch base again on the last two weeks of What’s Brewing Newsletters – Minnesota Craft Beer Week “10,000 Minutes of Minnesota Craft Beer” and American Craft Beer Week. Both of these weeks are important to our culture and very much of who we are at Bergseth Bros. We pride ourselves on our  selection of brands and hope to be a part of your events during these two weeks. Please, let your Bergseth Bros. representative know how we can help you organize an event during one or both of these weeks.


Minnesota Craft Beer WeekAmerican Craft Beer Week 2016 BBCO Brands

Please check with your sales person on availability and pricing (please note some products are not available in certain markets)


What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.34 

Purple Logos

Last week we lost Prince, an American Icon from the home state of Minnesota. Prince, put Minnesota on the World map through his musical talents and generosity to everyone. I thought it only fitting to focus on the Minnesota craft brands that we carry in house this week.


We are fortunate that the Minnesota breweries we carry in house have received many accolades nationally and internationally.  These breweries are world recognized for their own style of artistic craft (Craft Beer). Minnesota Craft Beer Week is right around the corner May 9-15, 2016.


Let’s celebrate the life of a legend while we raise a craft beer made from his home state!


Minnesota Craft Beer Week “10,000 Minutes of Craft” May 9th – 15th, 2016

Please contact your Bergseth Bros. Representative to help set-up an event this week.

  • Beer & Food Pairings
  • Tap Invasions/Tap Take-Overs
  • Appetizer Specials paired with MN Beer
  • Focus on MN Craft Beer All Week
  • Beer Flights featuring MN Beers
  • MN Beer Features

Minnesota Craft Beer Week


From: http://www.mncraftbrew.org/10000minutes

The Minnesota Craft Brewers Guild is proud to present 10,000 Minutes of Minnesota Craft Beer from May 9 – May 15, 2016.

Did you know there are about 10,000 minutes in a week? Across the Land of 10,000 Beers, we’re trying to savor every one of them, with a locally produced craft beer in hand.

10,000 Minutes of Minnesota Craft Beer is a week full of Minnesota Craft Beer events across the state, from tap takeovers on the North Shore to beer tours of the Twin Cities to special firkin tappings in Southern Minnesota. So start your timers and plot your calendars to make the most of your 10,000 Minutes!

Share your 10,000 Minutes of Minnesota Craft Beer photos on Instagram!
#10000Minutes, #MNCraftBeer, #MNBeerWeek

Follow the Guild!
Facebook Facebook.com/MinnesotaCraftBrewersGuild 
Twitter @MNcraftbrew

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Please check with your sales person on availability and pricing (please note some products are not available in certain markets)




What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.33

American Craft Beer Week 2016 BBCO

Bergseth Bros. is proud of our Craft Beer Brands – so let’s celebrate American Craft Beer Week together with some promotions, tastings, tap invasions, etc.

Below is several ideas for American Craft Beer Week May 16-22, 2016 from our partners at the Brewers Association. If you need any help coordinating events, setting up events or additional event ideas do not hesitate to contact your Bergesth Bros. Sales Representative. You can also contact me directly via this email.


Check out “CraftBeer.com’s American Craft Beer Week” by Brewers Association on Vimeo.

ACBW Play Button


Resources & Ideas


Ideas for Retailers

  • Organize a craft beer pairing dinner.
  • Craft beer pairing using 2016 ACBW materials.
  • Celebrate with a craft beer tap takeover night.
  • Brewers Night – invite the local brewery to host a tasting!
  • Week-long beer bingo – encourage patrons to try everything on tap or in bottles for prizes.
  • Brew master Dinner
  • Beer history dinner – tell the story of American craft beer

Resources & Ideas


Off-Premise Recommendations

  • Advertise and promote craft beers that week
  • Display more craft beer that week
  • Set up a distinctive Craft Beer display area for the week – put it in an early – high traffic location
  • Put up shelf POS to highlighting Craft Beer Week
  • Use a Craft Beer Week border in your ad to highlight the week
  • Have a staff person or brewery personnel work with customers – Thursday pm, Friday pm and Saturday afternoon
  • Put up beer style, ingredients and brewing POS during the week to encourage consumer awareness and trial

Resources & Ideas

ABCW Table 2


  • Craft beer tap takeover/tap invasion
  • Craft beer specials for the week
  • Flights special of different craft beers
  • Vertical style tastings – all lagers, all IPA, etc. during the week
  • Wait-staff programs – incentives, education, etc
  • Large poster announcing the week and table tents
  • Food and craft beer specials all week
  • Promotions with brewers or brewery reps
  • Promotions about beer, brewing, ingredients and tasting
  • Around the country card – try all featured craft beers and get a prize, certificate, t-shirts

Resources & Ideas

ABCW Table 1

Promote Your Event on CraftBeer.com

  • Enter your event into the ‘official’ American Craft Beer Week database to stand up and have your celebration included with hundreds of others!
  • Be sure to choose the Event Type: American Craft Beer Week.
  • Include all the details you can about how , when and where craft beer enthusiasts can participate.
  • Photos are welcome or at least upload your business logo with your post.

American Craft Beer Week 2016 BBCO Brands


What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.32


We have lots of exciting things brewing with Lagunitas this year including; Undercover Investigation Shut Down Ale released (available now), Limited Release Lucky 13 Mega Mondo Red Ale, a new year-round brand Aunt Sally’s Ale, OneHitter Series Waldo’s Special Ale and IPA 12pks! This is just the tip of the ice berg on what’s to come from our friends at Lagunitas.

The boys at  Lagunitas have lots of stories to tell, in fact, some of their stories and events are captured in their beers. Undercover Investigation Shut-Down Ale is a perfect example of passing along one of their stories.

In remembrance of the St. Patrick’s Day Massacre, 11 years ago, we gathered some survivors to tell the story of how the Shut-Down all went down… …Click on the Video!

Under Cover (2)


Now Available in 4/6 Bottles


Coming soon From Lagunitas…………


Click Play…       1280px-Parental_Advisory_label_svg

Lucky 13 Play Button

Limited Release – Available Soon in Draught & 4/6pk Bottles


Click Play Again….     1280px-Parental_Advisory_label_svg

Aunt Sally Play Button

NEW – Year-Round Brand Available Soon in Draught & 4/6pks



 Available Soon – Lagunitas IPA  2/12pks


Please check with your sales person on availability and pricing (please note some products are not available in certain markets)


What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.31


Two months ago, August Schell Brewing Company, brewers of Grain Belt beer announced some very exciting news. Grain Belt would be releasing a brand new, year-round beer Lock & Dam Lager and the brewery’s acquisition of the historic Grain Belt Beer Sign.

Well it’s finally here the release of Grain Belt Lock & Dam Lager; package will be released April 7th and draught will be released April 11th.


Below is the company’s original press release:

Grain Belt Announces New Brew: Lock & Dam Lager – April release celebrates brewery’s acquisition of historic Grain Belt Beer sign

NEW ULM, MN, (Feb. 1, 2016) — August Schell Brewing Company, Minnesota-based brewers of Grain Belt beer, proudly announces the release of a new beer, Lock & Dam, to be on store shelves in April.

Inspired by the Mississippi River and the hard working lock & dam that powered the original Grain Belt brewery, the latest addition to the Grain Belt lineup also celebrates the brewery’s acquisition of another Minneapolis icon, the Grain Belt Beer sign. August Schell completed the purchase of the Grain Belt sign in January 2016.

The beer will be available year-round. Lock & Dam is a copper lager with a crisp flavor profile. At launch Lock & Dam will be available in six-packs and 12-packs of 12oz bottles, as well as kegs. By summer, it will also be sold in 16-ounce cans.

“Grain Belt got its start right here on the Mississippi, powered by St. Anthony Falls and the dam,” said Ted Marti, president and fifth-generation descendant of brewery founder, August Schell. “We are proud to honor that heritage with a brew inspired by the place and hardworking people who gave us our start.”


LD FrontLD Back

Be on the look-out for another new product from Grain Belt Brewery – Grain Belt Blu, a draught only very limited product.


Please check with your sales person on availability and pricing (please note some products are not available in certain markets)


What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.30



With the explosion of craft beer over the last few years it’s probably no surprise that most brands are coming out with new styles monthly, weekly and daily.  Some days are over whelming in trying to figure out the mix of product in your cooler and what beers should go on tap. I’ve compiled a list of newly released products from a few of our breweries below. Please check with your Bergseth Bros. sales person for a full update on new products.

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Samuel Adams NITRO White Ale – Available on draught and 6/4pks (16oz cans)

Samuel Adams NITRO India Pale Ale – Available 6/4pks (16oz cans)

Samuel Adams NITRO Coffee Stout – Available 6/4pks (16oz cans)

Samuel Adams Rebel Grapefruit – Available on draught and 4/6pks


FBC B-W Logo

Fargo Brewing Mighty Red West Coast Imperial Red Ale – Available on draught and 4/6pks



Summit Unchained #21 US & THEM – Available on draught and 4/6pks

Summit 30th Anniversary Double India Pale Ale – Available on draught and 6/4pks (16oz cans)



Lagunitas Undercover Shutdown Ale – Available 4/6pks




Herd of Bocks (Bock, Heirloom, Pre-Prohibition & Dopplebock) – Available on draught



Fulton 300 West Coast Style Mosaic India Pale Ale – Available on draught and 4/6pks

Fulton Maitrise 750ml – Available 12/750ml

Fulton Ursa Black India Pale Ale – Available on draught




Empyrean Carpe Brewem Peanut Butter Porter – Available on draught

Empyrean Carpe Brewem Rye India Pale Ale – Available on draught

Empyrean Fallen Angel Sweet Stout – Available on draught



Grand Teton Double Vision Dopple Bock – Available on draught

Grand Teton Trout Hop Black India Pale Ale – Available on draught




Please check with your sales person on availability and pricing (please note some products are not available in certain markets)



What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.29


What a great weekend of games, chalk full of last second buzzer beaters. March madness is in full swing  which typically will coincide with watching basketball, overindulging on food, and drinking beer. If we are going to overindulge we should do it with great food and beer pairings.


The three most common pairing interactions are complement, contrast or cut. Take a look at what goes into each dish before deciding what interaction will best compliment your food and beer. For example spicy food; IPA will make the food even spicier complementing the food, Vienna Lager will contrast the spiciness with the sweetness of its malt, and Blonde Ale will cut the flavors refreshing your palate from the spiciness.

beer with food

These are just a few examples of how you can pair one spicy dish with three different beer styles. Below I will give you a few more examples of beers that can pair with some of your March Madness food. To learn more on this topic check out http://www.craftbeer.com/category/beer-and-food


pizza and beer

Pizza with Red Sauce


Try with:

August Schell’s Firebrick Vienna-Style Amber Lager

Rhombus Guys Brewing Illusion American Amber Ale

LakeFront Fixed Gear Red India Pale Ale


Beer and Wings

Buffalo Wings


Try with:

Lagunitas India Pale Ale

Summit Extra Pale Ale

Fulton Lonely Blonde


Beer pork

Pulled Pork Sliders


Try with:

Empyrean Carpe Brewem Imperial Mango India Pale Ale

Summit 30th Anniversary Double India Pale Ale

Samuel Adams Rouser Double India Pale Ale


Chili Beef and/or Pork


Try with:

Summit Great Northern Porter

Rhombus Guys Brewing Into The Darkness Porter

Empyrean Dark Side Vanilla Porter



Macaroni & Cheese


Try with:

Fargo Brewing Company Stones Throw Scottish Ale

Grand Teton Extra Special Brown Ale

Finnegans Irish Amber Ale

queso dip

Nachos with Queso Dip and/or Guacamole


Try with:

Samuel Adams Cold Snap White Ale

Blue Moon Belgium White Ale

Paulaner Hefe-Weizen




Please check with your sales person on availability and pricing (please note some products are not available in certain markets)



What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.28


St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner, in fact, its Thursday.  I’m sure everyone is well aware of this being in the alcohol industry. St. Patrick’s Day is a great boost in sales for both on and off premise. I was reading a few beer articles this weekend and came across an article that was perfect for this week written by Heather Galanty from Craftbeer.com “Forget Green Beer – 2 Styles with actual Irish Roots”.  Everyone, likes to joke about green beer but the truth of the matter is during St. Patrick’s Day we sell a large quantity to accounts and the public is asking for it. If you took a look around our warehouse you’d know who is injecting the green dye into the kegs – their green hands and arms are a dead giveaway.


I come from a background with the belief of drink what you enjoy, whether that’s green beer or an authentic Irish style of beer. Either way Bergseth Bros. has you covered – Bergseth Bros. is your Irish Beer Headquarters with iconic brands such as Guinness, Harp, Smithwick’s, Murphy’s, and Kilkenny. Bergseth Bros. also carries Guinness Nitro IPA, Guinness Blonde, Finnegans, Killians Red and of course GREEN Beer.


Forget Green Beer—2 Beer Styles with Actual Irish Roots

By Heather Galanty

There are two main beer styles that we typically think of in connection with the Emerald Isle: dry stout and red ale. Stouts are an offshoot of the porter family, and originally the word “stout” was used to refer to a stronger version of a porter.

The most famous Irish dry-stout style, of course, is Guinness, which serves as the template for most modern stouts, but Arthur Guinness actually began by brewing ales and porters. It wasn’t until 1819, with the introduction of Daniel Wheeler’s black “patent” malt, that stouts began to be brewed. The words “dry” or “Irish” are often tacked on to “stout” in order to differentiate it from English and American sweet or milk stouts, which usually contain oatmeal or lactose.


Photo Courtesy Craftbeer.com

There is a bit of contention surrounding the Irish Red style, with some debate as to its historical past and true characteristics. We are told that the Celtic ales brewed in Ireland in the Middle Ages had a recognizably red tinge, although the modern version of what we consider the “Irish-style red ale” is most likely very different from the style of this early account.

Traditionally, Irish red ales focus on strong malt flavors with slight nuttiness and light hoppiness. This style seems to have originated with the birth of Smithwick Brewery in 1710 in Kilkenny, Ireland. Today, red ales enjoy more popularity in the U.S. than Ireland, and despite the style’s unclear origins and somewhat contentious history, I think we can agree that it’s a darn good beer.

This Saint Patrick’s Day, deviate from the stereotypical green beer and try a craft-brewed dry stout or red ale.


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Irish-Style Dry Stout

Irish-style dry stouts are black in color, typically with an SRM of 35-40. Their character is mostly defined by coffee-like roasted barley and a roasted malt aroma. Despite the focus on malt, hop bitterness is typically medium to medium high. Dry stouts are often served from nitrogen taps, which create a smooth, creamy mouthfeel.

  • Guinness Irish Stout Draught
  • Guinness Extra Stout
  • Murphy’s Irish Stout

Kilkenny_Logo.svg  SMITHWICKS-LOGOlogo[1]


Irish Red Ales

Irish Red Ales are usually well balanced and are brewed with a moderate amount of kilned malts and roasted barley to give them their reddish hue. This style may contain adjuncts such as corn, rice and sugar, which help dry out the finish and lessen the body. Low roasted notes can be present thanks to the use of roasted barley in the grain bill. With notes of caramel and toffee, this style can be reminiscent of lightly toasted and buttered bread.

  • Smithwick’s
  • Kilkenny
  • Killian’s Irish Red


Get out this St. Patrick’s Day – It’s the one day that friends and family can gather around raise their pint of Guinness and celebrate their Irish heritage; most out celebrating don’t have a lick of Irish in them but enjoy the festive atmosphere….. It’s a good excuse to raise a pint!


Please check with your sales person on availability and pricing (please note some products are not available in certain markets)