What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.144


This week I wanted to highlight the extraordinary and vast selection of IPA’s in our portfolio. I hope you raised a pint or two of this fantastic style of beer last Friday, because it was National IPA Day. This is a limited list of IPA’s that we carry, for a full list ask your Bergseth Bros. Sales Rep. I have included some general information on the American India Pale Ale and a video from CraftBeer.com.


American IPA

Characterized by floral, fruity, citrus-like, piney or resinous American-variety hop character, the IPA beer style is all about hop flavor, aroma and bitterness. This has been the most-entered category at the Great American Beer Festival for more than a decade, and is the top-selling craft beer style in supermarkets and liquor stores across the U.S.


Keep in Mind we have some LOCAL Selections as well:



What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

The sound of country music will be filling the air around lakes country this weekend with one of the largest regional music festivals in the area; We Fest.  Not only will you be hearing country music but the sounds of coolers being filled with festive beverages for the long weekend.

Mike’s Hard Lemonade has been a part of We Fest Country Music Festival for several years. Patrons continue to drink Mike’s Hard Lemonade straight and use the wide-range of flavors to develop layered libations. I have compiled a few of our favorite recipes below – Enjoy Mike’s Hard Lemonade straight from the can or bottle, enjoy over ice or mixed in your favorite cocktail.

FORE! We’ll take four of these. Tee off  with our spiked Arnold Palmer.

Combine the following over Ice:

1 oz vodka

1 oz simple syrup

4 oz iced tea

4 oz mike’s hard Lemonade

Garnish with lemon and mint



A mule that doesn’t horse around. Try our simple and straight-up delicious mike’s mule.

2 oz vodka
3 oz ginger beer
3 oz mike’s hard Limeade
Garnish with lime


The only sure bet on Derby Day or Any Day of the Week: a mike’s hard Kentucky Lemonade.

The drink that doesn’t horse around.

1 bottle of mike’s hard lemonade
1 oz bourbon or whiskey
1 oz triple sec
Garnish with lemon and mint

Summer lovin’ with this mike’s hard Sipper.

1 bottle mike’s hard Peach Lemonade
3 oz ginger beer
1.5 oz whiskey
Garnish with peach slices

Serve up some red, white and blue flare with our Patriotic Mixed Berry Slushie!

1. In a blender, add 1.5 cup strawberries, 0.5oz simple syrup, 1 bottle mike’s hard Strawberry and 2 cups ice. Blend and transfer to a pitcher.
2. Repeat for next layer. In a blender, add 1 juiced lemon, 1 bottle mike’s hard Lemonade and 2 cups ice. Blend and pour half in pitcher.
3. With the remaining half, add 1 cup blueberries and 1 cup ice. Blend and pour remaining mixture in pitcher.
4. Serve immediately.

What’s cooler than cool? mike’s hard Strawberry Lemonade Pop!

2.5 cups strawberries
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp lemon zest
2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 cup mike’s hard Strawberry

Blend all ingredients above until smooth. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze overnight.


What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.142

We’re super excited to announce that we’ve acquired distribution rights for Bell’s Brewery. Larry Bell, the Founder is a pioneer in the craft brewing scene and their dedication to quality is undeniable. This quality is proven by winning awards for their beers through-out the world. Most recently, Bell’s Two Hearted IPA was named back to back best beer in America by the American Homebrewer’s Association.

Make sure to watch the videos below to learn more about the brewery and some of the styles they make.











What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.141

Summer, at a lake, is about as Minnesotan as one can be; and fishing for walleye is a true Minnesota experience.  I’ve had the luxury of going to the same lake for my entire life, Big Toad Lake in Minnesota. Some of my greatest memories as a kid were going fishing for walleye with my father. He would pack a cooler with beer for him and a few grape and orange flavored sodas for me.  I would snack on sunflower seeds all afternoon trying to catch the eluding Minnesota walleye. If we were lucky, we could catch the Minnesota Twins on the radio as well. Unfortunately, sometimes this was the only thing we caught.

I am lucky to still have my father around today so we can continue to go fishing at Big Toad Lake. Nowadays, the flavored soda is replaced with a wide range of craft beers.  The sunflower seeds are still packed and we plan fishing around the Minnesota Twin’s games.

I can’t tell you the best way to land a walleye, but I can surely help you match your fresh walleye with some great craft beers. Pairing your walleye with craft beers depends on how you prepare your walleye. Below are some great examples of walleye, prepared various ways and matched with some outstanding beers. For more information and complete recipes check out http://fishing-in-minnesota.com/blog/2013/06/05/10-best-walleye-recipes/#sthash.YVF0WV5k.dpbs


Crispy breaded fish without frying!

  1. Fargo Brewing Original Lager
  2. Summit Brewing Co. Dakota Soul
  3. August Schell Brewing Co. Fort Road Helles


This is a fantastic marinade, walleye is one of the best whitefish!

  1. Bell’s Brewery Oberon Ale
  2. Sam ‘76
  3. Odell Brewing Co. Rupture Fresh Grind Ale


A great recipe from Gunflint Lodge

  1. Lagunitas Brewing Co. India Pale Ale
  2. Summit Brewing Co. Extra Pale Ale
  3. Rhombus Brewing Co. Invincible Pale Ale


  1. Lakefront Brewery Fixed Gear American Red India Pale Ale
  2. Standard Lager by Fulton Brewing Co.
  3. Fargo Brewing Co. Stone’s Throw Ale


Great cheesy fish bites!

  1. Rhombus Brewing Co. Iconic Blonde Ale
  2. Fulton Brewing Co. Lonely Blonde Ale
  3. Guinness American Blonde Lager


A light crust for this delicate fish won’t cover up the taste of the fish itself. Plus it is quick and easy.

  1. Samuel Adams Boston Lager
  2. August Schell Brewing Co. Firebrick Vienna Lager
  3. Empyrean Brewing Co. Dark Side Vanilla Porter


Give the catch of the day an unexpected zip with salsa. It dresses up the golden crumb-coated fillets and keeps them moist and tender.

  1. Odell Brewing Co. Drumroll American Pale Ale
  2. August Schell Brewing Co. Citra Blanc American Pale Lager
  3. Lagunitas Brewing Co. Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’


  1. Bell’s Brewery Two-Hearted India Pale Ale
  2. Fulton Brewing Co. 300 Mosaic India Pale Ale
  3. Samuel Adams New England India Pale Ale


What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Online Weekly Newsletter


From the Founding Fathers to today, beer has a place in U.S. history and July 4th celebrations.

​WASHINGTON – This year the 4th of July, a quintessentially American holiday, marks the United States’ 245th birthday. To help celebrate, the Beer Institute revealed its annual top 10 facts about July 4th, America’s founders and beer.

  1. In 1587, Virginia colonists used corn to brew the first recorded ale in the colony. Today, brewers use a number of grains to make beer, including barley, corn, millet, oats, rye, sorghum and wheat.
  2. The first shipment of beer arrived in the Virginia colony from England in 1607. Over 400 years later, Americans still love imported beer; in 2016, Americans consumed over 33 million barrels of beer imported to the United States from across the globe.

  1. Beer has been a job creator in the United States since its inception. In 1609, “Help Wanted” advertisements appeared in London seeking brewers for the Virginia colony. This tradition of beer being integral to America’s economy continues. The beer industry today supports more than 2.2 million jobs in the United States.
  2. George Washington not only drank beer himself and served it to his guests, but it was also one of the items provided for voters when he was a candidate for political office. It must have helped because when Washington was president he habitually “had a silver pint cup or mug of beer placed by his plate, which he drank while dining.”

  1. During his time in Philadelphia in 1774 to participate in the First Continental Congress, John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail, “I drink no Cyder [sic], but feast upon Phyladelphia [sic] Beer, and Porter.”
  2. Thomas Jefferson served beer during dinner at his Virginia estate, Monticello. Jefferson’s earliest designs for his plantation included spaces for brewing and the storage of beer. Today, there are 238 permitted breweries in Virginia, and Virginia’s beer industry contributes more than $9.35 billion annually to the state’s economy.

  1. During the Revolutionary War, beer was a part of soldiers’ daily lives. On June 10, 1775, the Massachusetts Provincial Council set the daily ration for its troops in Boston to include one quart of good spruce or malt beer.
  2. In 1862, President Lincoln signed legislation to tax beer to help finance the government during the Civil War. That same year 37 civic-minded New York breweries formed the United States Brewers Association for “ensuring safe and prompt collection” of the federal excise tax on beer.


  1. According to WalletHub, Americans spent $1 billion on beer over the 4th of July weekend in 2015, making it is the most popular holiday for beer sales.
  2. In 2016, AAA projected nearly 43 million Americans traveled during the Independence Day Holiday.


“From being the beverage that John Adams wrote home about while he was at the Continental Congress to being on hand for picnics and barbecues, beer is a staple of both American history and our economy,” said Jim McGreevy, president and CEO of the Beer Institute. “Early colonists recruited brewers to come to the New World, and today the American beer industry creates over 2.2 million jobs. Many Americans will enjoy a beer as they join neighbors, family and friends to celebrate July 4th, and I hope people take time to enjoy the pride and tradition that goes into every pour of beer and choose to drink responsibly this holiday and every day of the year.”

Have a Safe and Memorable 4th of July!


What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.139



One of my favorite past-times in the summer is attending baseball games and indulging in the great fare available at the games. I thought I would take it one step further, because I’m assuming most of us attending the games are quenching our thirst with a beer.  What’s better than great ballpark food, beer and baseball?


I read a great article from Draft Magazine in the past and included an excerpt below with my beer recommendations. I also added a few extra ballpark staples with beer pairings. Whether you’re at the ballpark or in your backyard these food and beer parings are sure to be a HOME RUN!

Nachos & Kölsch, Helles or Light American Lager:  If your tortilla chips are drowning in irresistibly thick, creamy cheese, toss a life ring to the crisp, corny flavor with an equally crisp and corny kölsch. The beer’s lively effervescence and clean finish easily wash away the gooey goodness.

Fargo Brewing Company Fargo Original Helles Lager

Samuel Adams Light Lager

Coors Light

Pretzel & Pilsner: In a pairing as natural as baseball and summer, a pilsner’s grainy malts extend seamlessly into the bread of the pretzel; salt punctuates the flavor before the beer’s bold bitterness whisks the doughy bite away.

Summit Brewing Co. Dakota Soul Pils

August Schell Bavarian Pilsner

Old Style Lager

Peanuts & Brown Ale or Vienna Lager: A straightforward brown ale or Vienna lager and simple bag of peanuts throw an exciting curveball in this pairing: The beer’s rich, toasted notes meld deftly with the nutty, dry shell and salty peanut flavors, creating an intricate flavor profile.

New Castle Brown Ale

Samuel Adams Boston Lager

August Schell Firebrick Lager

Hot Dog & American Pale Ale: A peppy pale ale with hops that lean green (think onion and grass) amps up vegetal notes in the relish, while countering sweet, tart condiments like mustard and ketchup. The beer’s bready malt backbone latches onto the bun, while its firm bitterness cleans up the bite.

Rhombus Brewing Co. Invincible Pale Ale

Odell Brewing Co. Drumroll Pale Ale

Summit Brewing Co. Extra Pale Ale


A few more classic baseball food items with beer

Fries (Frites) & American Premium Lager: Even if the Belgians make the best frites in the world and are the largest consumers per person, those salty potato sticks are still an American staple cuisine. In general, fries (or frites) are light in flavor profile, so opt for a brew that will help cleanse the palate.

Grain Belt Premium Lager

Standard Lager by Fulton Brewing Co.

Coors Banquet

Sunflower Seeds & India Pale Ale: Beer and salt go together because bitter and salt go together. It’s not exactly clear why, but salt neutralizes the bitter elements and lets the taster enjoy the other characteristics in the beer. Throw some salty sunflower seeds in your mouth before and after taking a big swig of beer and your taste buds will reach a special level of enlightenment.

Lagunitas Brewing Co. India Pale Ale

Odell Brewing Co. India Pale Ale

Lakefront Brewery India Pale Ale

Corndogs & American Blonde Ale: According to popular legend, German immigrants were the first on these shores to cover sausage with batter, supposedly to make their sausages easier to sell. The tactic worked. The corn dog – a layer of crispy, deep-fried fluffiness that gives way to a savory hot dog or sausage on a stick – became an American staple.

Fulton Brewing Co. Lonely Blonde Ale

Rhombus Guys Brewing Co. Iconic Blonde Ale

Guinness American Blonde Lager

Cracker Jack & Porter: Cracker Jack isn’t just caramel popcorn…the addition of molasses and peanuts add to the depth and variety of flavor and the low and slow baking time make this a light and crispy candy-like treat. Porter is the perfect beer to pair with Cracker Jack! Dark brown in color with aromas of caramel, toffee, and roasted malts and flavors of rich malt, brown sugar, and chocolate but only medium bodied and well carbonated to provide a smooth finish.

Empyrean Brewing Co. Long Route Peanut Butter Porter

Fargo Brewing Co. Sod Buster Porter

Summit Brewing Co. Great Northern Porter



What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.138

Take It Where Summer Takes You: The Summit Boundary Waters Box Variety Pack

By Summit Brewing Company

 Summer is here, and around Summit Brewing Co. that means it’s time to update the beer fridge.

Now, back to the beer fridge. We’re sure you don’t have any old, expired beers tucked away in the back. You drink your beer cold and fresh, after all. But why not take a look, just in case, and make sure there’s room for a few new flavors?

Namely: Summit Skip Rock, Summit Lazy Sipper, Summit Golden Fruited, and Summit Hefeweizen. All four are available inside the Summit Boundary Waters Box, a new variety pack of twelve 12-oz. cans.

Whether you’re hitting up the lake, a ballgame, the dog park, your favorite bike trails, the neighbor’s backyard fire pit, a sick bocce tournament, a block party, a family get-together, a road trip with buddies, helping a friend move out of their crummy apartment, grilling some pork chops at home, chilling in your hammock, doing some yardwork, stopping by a pool party in your new European-style short-shorts, flying model rockets and airplanes, going birding, planting your garden, walking around the block at sunset with your dog, playing horseshoes, paddling downriver, fishing off the dock, rollerblading on fresh blacktop, or playing beach volleyball, these Summit Boundary Waters Box beers are ready for any adventure you can dream up — as long as you stick ‘em in the cooler with ice. They need ice.

Summit Skip Rock

Brewed with tangerine peel and fresh-ground coriander, Summit Skip Rock White Ale offers notes of zesty citrus, clove and biscuit. Unfiltered and brewed with a complex malt bill including wheat and oats, it’s full-bodied, slightly sweet, and a little tart beneath the surface, leading to a crisp, refreshing finish. Find it on draft and inside the variety pack now, and come June, you’ll be able to spot Skip Rock in 6-packs and 12-packs of 12-oz. cans.

Summit Lazy Sipper

First brewed for the draft lines at the 2017 Minnesota State Fair, Summit Lazy Sipper is back this year and available now in 12-oz. bottles and cans both on its own and inside the variety pack. Brewed with all Minnesota ingredients, Lazy Sipper features Mighty Axe hops, malts from Rahr Malting, just a touch of fresh Minnesota strawberry in the finish and aroma. Click here if you like reading about how Minnesota ingredients are better than other ingredients.

Summit Golden Fruited

Featuring aromas of passionfruit and mango from 100 percent Galaxy hops from Australia, plus notes of toast and bread from US, UK and Argentinian malts, Summit Golden Fruited is balanced by hints of fresh peach and apricot. Crisp, refreshing, and low in bitterness and alcohol, this perfect patio beer is available only inside the variety pack and in limited draft. Not thirsty yet? Read this.

Summit Hefeweizen

A classic German wheat beer, this one’s got some history with Summit Brewing Co., and we’re happy to welcome it back to our seasonal lineup. Available on draft and inside the variety pack, our Hefe offers up a toasted breadcrumb base, a little hop spice, aromas of banana and clove, and a dry, refreshing finish. Click here for more information about the beer’s tremendous yeast strain.


What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.137

Summer is officially upon us…well not yet its technically on June 21st!! What a beautiful weekend for getting the outside tasks done. Hopefully, you got to enjoy the weather with a beer in your hand and it was not all chores, like I spent my weekend. Between pulling the weeds and planting new grass seed I did enjoy a few beers from the Samuel Adams Summer Variety Pack. The new packaging design of the sampler packs are bright and colorful making it hard to miss on the shelf. The beers themselves are just as bold and bright as the new packaging – making them perfect for the long summer ahead.

If you’re looking for draught options don’t miss out on Samuel Adams Summer Ale, Porch Rocker or the VERY Limited Golden Ale.

PRESS PLAY: Summer Ale – Journey

Summer officially kicks off this month so if you haven’t already picked up an American Summer Variety Pack, now is the perfect opportunity. Whether you’re firing up the grill or lounging the longer days away, the six unique brews in this summer’s pack pair perfectly with any summer occasion. This year’s line–up includes:

The backbone of the Samuel Adams family of beers, this flavorful and balanced lager is our original brew that helped start a beer revolution.

The crisp citrus character of Noble hops and malted wheat get a lively kick from zesty lemon peel and spicy Grains of Paradise in this beer. Bright and refreshing, it’s summer in a glass.

This hazy golden Hefeweizen is our take on the classic German beer. Notes of clove and banana, signatures of this style, are complemented by a slight malt sweetness. Clean and crisp, this beer pairs best with a sunny summer day.

This beloved beer finally makes its way out of our Boston Brewery for the first time this summer. Light-bodied and hazy with the crisp taste of white wheat, this gose gets a summery twist from the tart and citrus flavors of lemon and raspberry.

The distinct flavors of Centennial and Cascade hops strike a balance between hoppy and refreshing for the summertime. The hops add their signature citrus and piney character, along with peach and melon notes, with a crisp, dry finish.

This bright golden beer is inspired by the laidback and easygoing days of summer. Clean and balanced, its malt sweetness is accented by Cascade hops for a crisp and simple yet refreshing flavor.
Try this Great Recipe with Family & Friends!


Samuel Adams Summer Ale Grilled Chicken Gyros Kebabs

Serves: 4


·         In a medium-sized glass bowl whisk together all marinade ingredients. Place the chicken pieces in a large, re-sealable plastic bag and pour in the marinade. Press the air out of the bag and seal tightly. Turn the bag to distribute the marinade evenly, place in a bowl, and refrigerate for 30 minutes to an hour.

·         In a medium glass bowl, combine Tzatziki sauce ingredients. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

·         Prepare your gas or charcoal grill for direct cooking over medium heat (350° to 450° F). Remove the chicken from the bag and discard the marinade. Thread the chicken onto the skewers. Brush the cooking grates clean on your grill. Add two handfuls of the soaked, drained wood chips to the smoker box, or directly over the ashed-over charcoal. Close the lid of the grill. When smoke appears, grill the kabobs over direct medium heat, with the lid closed, until the meat is firm to the touch and opaque all the way to the center, 8 to 10 minutes, turning once or twice. Remove from the grill and let rest for 2 to 3 minutes. Serve warm with the Tzatziki sauce and Samuel Adams Summer Ale.

·         1 bunch chives



·         4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves, each about 6 oz., cut into 1 1/2–inch pieces


·         1 bottle Samuel Adams Summer Ale

·         ½ cup balsamic vinaigrette dressing

·         3 tbsp. olive oil

·         1 tbsp. ground black pepper

·         1 tbsp. granulated garlic

·         ½ tbsp. salt

·         ½ tbsp. fresh dill

·         ½ tbsp. oregano

Tzatziki sauce

·         1 cup whole-milk Greek yogurt

·         ½ cup English cucumber, finely diced

·         2 cloves garlic, finely minced

·         1 tbsp. Samuel Adams Summer Ale

·         1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice

·         ½ tbsp. olive oil

·         ½ tsp. salt

·         ½ tsp. black pepper

For the soaked wood chips

·         2 large handfuls of Weber Firespice Apple Wood Chips (for charcoal grill) or Weber Apple Smoker Tray

·         1 bottle Samuel Adams Summer Ale

Special equipment

·         Metal or bamboo skewers
(Note: if using bamboo skewers, soak in water for at least 30 minutes prior to grilling.)







What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.136

With Rib Fest, one of Fargo’s most attended events of the summer starting this week.  I thought it would be fitting to pair some beers with pork ribs, pulled pork and beef brisket. Finding the right beer to balance the flavors and spiciness of barbecue may seem over-whelming but beer is the perfect companion to whatever you’re barbecuing. The three most common ways to pair beer with any food is contrast, complement or cut.

Most barbecue sauces are a combo of sweet and acidic, sugar and vinegar, in one form or another with sauces ranging from mild to intense spiciness. Fortunately, beer’s carbonation cuts through barbecue’s fire and spice while refreshing and recharging the palate. At the same time, its complexity can complement the layers of flavor in any slab of meat.

Pork Ribs – balance the spiciness of the sauce

Fulton Brewing Co. 300 Mosaic IPA – ABV: 7.0% IBU: 74

Fargo Brewing Co. Iron Horse Pale Ale  – ABV: 4.8% IBU: 32

August Schell Brewing Co. Citra Blanc – ABV 6.7% IBU: 44

Lakefront Brewery Fixed Gear Red IPA – ABV: 6.8% IBU: 35

Pulled Pork – balance the richness

Summit Brewing Co. Extra Pale Ale (EPA) – ABV: 5.2% IBU: 45

Samuel Adams Sam ’76 – ABV: 4.7% IBU: 12

Odell Brewing Co. 90 Shilling Ale – ABV: 5.3% IBU: 27

Empyrean Brewing Co. Dark Side Vanilla Porter – ABV: 5.6% IBU: 22

Beef Brisket – balance the smokiness

Samuel Adams Boston Lager – ABV: 4.9% IBU: 30

August Schell Brewing Co. Firebrick Lager – ABV: 5.1% IBU: 25

Rhombus Guys Brewing Co. Into The Darkness Porter – ABV: 4.8% IBU: 30

Fargo Brewing Co. Stones Throw Scottish Ale – ABV: 4.5% IBU: 19


Pork Ribs in Dark Beer by Tastemade.com

Dark beer imparts deep, delicious flavor to these juicy pork ribs. You can make these on the grill or in your oven year-round. Try it with Guinness! https://www.tastemade.com/videos/pork-ribs-in-dark-beer



  • 2 pounds pork ribs
  • Salt, to taste
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • Olive oil
  • 5 ounces bacon, cubed
  • 2 onions, sliced
  • 1 teaspoon tomato puree
  • 2 cups dark beer


  1. Season the pork ribs with salt and pepper on both sides.
  2. In a hot pan, add the oil and brown ribs on both sides. Set aside.
  3. In the same pan, fry the bacon. Add onions and cook until translucent. Stir in the tomato puree and dark beer. Add pork ribs to pan, cover and allow to cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  5. Transfer the pork ribs to a baking dish and pour the sauce over the top. Cover with foil and bake for 2 hours, turning halfway through.
  6. Serve the ribs with the sauce on top.



What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.135


THE DREAM WAS SIMPLE-brew a refreshing iced tea with flavors we love, and an added twist. We experimented night and day, searching for the perfect combination of select teas, natural flavors, and fun.



PRESS PLAY: Twisted Tea TV Commercial, ‘The Best Time’ Song by Little Big Town

Twisted Tailgate with Ty Dillon and Michael Waltrip

Twisted Tea and Ty Dillon are here to help you (and Mikey) tailgate like a pro! #TwistedTailgateSponsored by Twisted Tea

Posted by NASCAR on FOX on Sunday, April 8, 2018