What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.
Weekly Online Newsletter

What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros
Weekly Online Newsletter

Guided by geeky imagination, influenced by sub-pop culture and never satisfied with the status quo, B. Nektar aims to bring a modern twist on mead as well as diversify craft mead, cider and beer.
B. Nektar Meadery was founded in 2006 by Brad and Kerri Dahlhofer, with the help of their good friend Paul Zimmerman. Brad has been an avid homebrewer since 1998, making beers, meads, ciders and wine for his own enjoyment. When Brad and Kerri got married in 2005, he made a mead to toast with at their wedding and received great reviews from the guests. Jokingly, he said that he’d someday open a meadery. Paul, a long-time friend and fellow homebrewer, soon began making meads along with Brad in the Dahlhofers’ basement. Their meads quickly began winning awards at homebrewing competitions.

In the summer of 2006, Kerri was laid-off from her job. While sipping a glass of vanilla cinnamon mead made by Brad, she thought, “Why not try to sell this?” It was then that the three decided to take their mead making to the next level. In the spring of 2008, Brad too fell victim to layoffs, and the three worked night and day to prepare for their opening. After nearly two years since its inception, B. Nektar finally opened it’s doors on August 2, 2008 (National Mead Day).

B. Nektar’s session meads and hard ciders are now shaping the craft revolution. To say it’s been a long road from the home-brewing days would be a tremendous understatement but B. Nektar continues to increase their production capacity and is currently the largest meadery in the U.S.A.
B. Nektar was the first meadery to join the ranks on the top 100 best breweries in the world by Ratebeer.com, and has remained there since 2013.
Proud of this story as they may be, they put a lot of effort into not taking themselves too seriously.

What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.
Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.200

As the leaves change, so does the beer selections in the aisle and tap handles. It’s a good thing. Not only do seasonal brews offer new flavors from your regular beers, they also ensure you’re getting the freshest beer possible. So crack open one, or a few, of our favorite fall beers.

Today, I am going to showcase two of our seasonal fall offerings from Bell’s Brewery; Octoberfest and Best Brown Ale. Both of these beers are reminiscent of the traditional fall foliage colors – deep ruby to brown, golden hues and with some red tones. The beers taste does not disappoint either with a malty/toasty back bone, yet sessionable, lending a nice transition before winter beers hit the market.

What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.
Online Weekly Newsletter Vol. 199

What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.
Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.198

Since 1860, August Schell Brewing Company has been perfecting German Craft Beers. Their Oktoberfest is a shining example of their perfection!

BEER STYLE: Marzen, Oktoberfest
CHARACTERISTICS: Brewed with the perfect balance of Pale, Munich, and Cara Pils malt with Liberty and Perle hops to create a rich, smooth taste.
With its bright copper-orange color, it is quite symbolic of the autumnal shift of the season. A slightly higher strength, and warm malt body make it the perfect companion for the crisp fall weather in Minnesota. The use of Munich and Vienna malts give the beer its toasty malt backbone, and melanoidin-rich flavor and aroma. It has a soft malt sweetness, pleasant mouthfeel and a slight spiciness. Hop character is subdued, as the malt takes center stage with this beer.

Another new exciting sampler pack from August Schell Brewing Company – Harvest Brews Seasonal Sampler

What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros

It’s hard to think about but cool fall weather is just around the corner. I look forward to Bison tailgating and NFL Sunday’s with a Märzen style beer more than the weather. As the leaves turn amber to copper color so does the beer in my glass. This color of beer is reminiscent of traditional styles of Okotberfest Beer or Märzen style.
We have several brands of Oktoberfest beers to choose from, traditional Paulaner Marzen to the number one selling Craft Beer Oktoberfest in the world, Samuel Adams. I’ve attached a list below that contains the multitude of Oktoberfest & Pumpkin beers that we have available this fall.
Below is a description of this style of beer courtesy of Beeradvocate.com
Märzen / Oktoberfest
Before refrigeration, it was nearly impossible to brew beer in the summer due to the hot weather and bacterial infections. Brewing ended with the coming of spring, and began again in the fall. Most were brewed in March (Märzen). These brews were kept in cold storage over the spring and summer months, or brewed at a higher gravity, so they’d keep. Märzenbier is full-bodied, rich, toasty, typically dark copper in color with a medium to high alcohol content.
The common Munich Oktoberfest beer served at Wies’n (the location at which Munich celebrates its Oktoberfest) contains roughly 5.0-6.0% alcohol by volume, is dark/copper in color, has a mild hop profile and is typically labeled as a Bavarian Märzenbier in style.
Average alcohol by volume (abv) range: 4.0-7.0%

What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.
Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.196

What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.
Weekly Online Newsletter Vol.195