What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.
Weekly Online Newsletter
We’re extremely excited, to let everyone know that Fair State Brewing Cooperative just won several awards at The Growler Magazine Kind-of-a-Big-Deal Choice Awards. The brewery is well known throughout Minnesota, garnering many local, regional, national and world-wide accolades. From our very first meeting with the crew at Fair State Brewing Cooperative, it just felt right. The quality of the beer and the people behind it is top notch. We are confident that you will feel the same way as we do on your first sip.
Kettle Sour – Gold: Fair State Roselle
With a potent pucker from lactobacillus, Roselle is a textbook kettle sour from Fair State that sports a lovely ruby hue and cranberry-like notes of hibiscus. And for the third year running, Growler readers have deemed it the best kettle sour in all the land.
Hazy / New England IPA – Gold: Fair State Mirror Universe
Wheat, oats, and lots of hops—El Dorado, Citra, and Mosaic, to be exact—are what add the haze to this top-notch hazy IPA from Fair State that has all the brightness expected of the style without the bitterness.
Pilsner – Gold: Fair State Pils
Fair State knows its way around a lager. Their Pils is as simple as beers get but is brewed to absolute perfection—a crisp, clean, textbook example of what this classic beer style can aspire to be.
Double IPA / Imperial IPA – Gold: Fair State Double Spirit Føul
Fair State cranked their Modern Times collab Spirit Føul up to 11 with Double Spirit Føul. Cloudy and dank, it packs a serious hop wallop from double-dry-hopping and a boozy punch at 8.2% ABV. It’s so good, you’ve voted it the best double IPA in the state.
Beer Label – Silver: Fair State Spirit Føul
Brewery – Silver: Fair State Brewing Cooperative
Wheat – Bronze: Fair State Hefeweizen