What’s Brewing Bergseth Bros.

Weekly Online Newsletter Vol. 97


It’s hard to think about but cool fall weather is just around the corner. I look forward to Bison tailgating and NFL Sunday’s with a Märzen style beer more than the weather.  As the leaves turn amber to copper color so does the beer in my glass. This color of beer is reminiscent of traditional styles of Okotberfest Beer or Märzen style. We have several brands of Oktoberfest beers to choose from, traditional Paulaner Wiesn to the number one selling Oktoberfest in the world Samuel Adams. I’ve attached a list below that contains the multitude of Oktoberfest & Pumpkin beers that we have available this fall.

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Beer Style Spotlight: German-Style Marzen / Oktoberfest

craftbeer.com oktoberfest

Below is a description of this style of beer courtesy of Beeradvocate.com

Märzen / Oktoberfest

Before refrigeration, it was nearly impossible to brew beer in the summer due to the hot weather and bacterial infections. Brewing ended with the coming of spring, and began again in the fall. Most were brewed in March (Märzen). These brews were kept in cold storage over the spring and summer months, or brewed at a higher gravity, so they’d keep. Märzenbier is full-bodied, rich, toasty, typically dark copper in color with a medium to high alcohol content.

The common Munich Oktoberfest beer served at Wies’n (the location at which Munich celebrates its Oktoberfest) contains roughly 5.0-6.0% alcohol by volume, is dark/copper in color, has a mild hop profile and is typically labeled as a Bavarian Märzenbier in style.

Average alcohol by volume (abv) range: 4.0-7.0%


Below is our 2017 offerings of Oktoberfest & Pumpkin Beers – some of these products are still in route.

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Eršffnung des MŸnchner Oktoberfestes Wiesn 2012 beim Paulner Festzelt Winzerer FŠndl  Copyright by : sampics Photographie Bierbaumstrasse 6 81243 MŸnchen TEL.: ++49/89/82908620 , FAX : ++49/89/82908621 , E-mail : sampics@t-online.de Bankverbindung : Hypovereinsbank MŸnchen  Konto : 1640175229 , BLZ 70020270 weitere Motive finden sie unter :  www.augenklick.de